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10-ton Pneumatic Tyre Road Roller - LTP1016 | OEM

Availability: In stock

Operating mass (Unballast/Ballast) 10000/16000 Kg
Max. travel speed 14.7 Km/h
Tyre quantity(front+rear) 4+5 pcs
Min.turning radius 7500 mm
The presses the width 2280 mm
Wheelbase 3700 mm
Grade ability 30 %
Overall dimension 4780??2100??3200 mm
Diesel power 75 Kw
Diesel model 4BT3.9 -

10-Ton Pneumatic Tyre Road Roller | OEM

Typically the function of 10-Ton Pneumatic Tyre Road Roller is to compress the soil; rock fills on the ground during road construction to make the surface smooth. The steel wheel roller compactor can efficiently compress the surface of the ground with heavyweight and vibrating effect. Primary the heavyweight steel wheel rollers are used in large constructions. For uniform compaction of the surface, pneumatic tyre road rollers are ideal as these are the self-propelled compaction devices. The engineered vehicle has a smooth set of tires on the axle, generally, five on one axle and four on another axle.

The pneumatic tyre road rollers develop kneading action between the tires to realign aggregate within HMA along with static compressive force. The pneumatic tyre road rollers provide different types of compaction than the steel wheel rollers, used in various construction sites.

Advantages of pneumatic tyre road rollers

  • The pavement roller helps to remove the cracks that were caused by the steel rollers and can efficiently compact the mixture without any cracking.
  • The rollers provide increased density.
  • The roller is responsible for decreased permeability of the layer as it provides a denser and tighter surface.
  • Provide a more uniform surface that the steel wheel rollers.

Many contractors choose to use the pneumatic tyre road rollers as it enables the surface to be paved. The road roller is especially helpful in patching the potholes or cuts on the road with consistent compaction across the surface. It is ideal for compaction of the uneven surface and providing a uniform surface

The 10-Ton Pneumatic Tyre Road Roller are used in many different projects as per the utility and applications. Mainly the projects like construction of large parking areas, driveways, and subdivision streets incorporate these kinds of road rollers of various weight and speed in the construction. It is efficient, and performances of the rollers are best-suited for specific constructions.

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