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  • Los 10 principales fabricantes chinos de equipos pesados

    La industria de fabricación de equipos pesados ​​está en auge en China y para satisfacer ese aumento de la demanda existen muchas empresas de alta calidad. Sin embargo, elegir qué empresa atendería mejor sus necesidades puede resultar bastante difícil, ya que cada una ofrece beneficios únicos. Aquí es donde este blog puede ayudarte. A continuación se muestran los 10 principales fabricantes chinos de equipos pesados, clasificados según su calidad, reputación, confiabilidad y más.

    1. XCMG

    XCMG Logo

    XCMG ha sido líder en el mercado desde su fundación en 1989. Bajo el liderazgo del Sr. Wang Min y sus más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria de maquinaria, XCMG ha extendido su negocio por todo el mundo y ahora suministra más de 187 países y regiones. Aunque XCMG es de la más alta calidad con toda la maquinaria de construcción que suministra, es más conocido por su grúa sobre orugas, cuya grúa de 4000 toneladas a menudo se considera una de las mejores del mundo.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 122 entre las 500 principales empresas chinas.
    • Clasificado entre los 5 primeros en fabricación de maquinaria de construcción.
    • El volumen de exportación anual supera los 1.600 millones de dólares estadounidenses.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    2. SANY

    Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale

     SANY es una potencia mundial y es un nombre muy conocido en todo el mundo. Ha obtenido numerosos logros para demostrarlo, como ser la primera industria china en ingresar al Financial Times Global 500. Para respaldar su operación global, emplea a más de 90.000 personas en todo el mundo, por lo que puede estar seguro de que dondequiera que esté, SANY tiene los recursos. para servirle. La especialidad de SANY es la maquinaria para el hormigón, ocupando el puesto número 1 a nivel mundial en este sector.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • 3er mayor fabricante de equipos pesados ​​del mundo.
    • Emplea a más de 90.000 personas en todo el mundo.
    • Primer fabricante chino de equipos pesados ​​en figurar en el ranking Forbes Global 2000

    Maquinaria Popular:

    3. Zoomlion

    Official brand logo of Zoomlion

     Zoomlion es una de las empresas más nuevas en esta lista, ya que se fundó en 1992, pero esto no significa que le falte calidad. Zoomlion ha tomado un solo camino desde su creación: hacia arriba. Tanto por su éxito como por la altura de sus grúas, el producto del que están más orgullosos y con razón. Recientemente, Zoomlion desarrolló una grúa todo terreno de 2000 toneladas con la mayor capacidad de elevación del mundo. También desarrolló la grúa torre autotrepante giratoria con superestructura de brazo nivelado más grande del mundo y la primera grúa sobre orugas de 3200 toneladas en China. La posición de liderazgo de Zoomlion en la carrera de la tecnología le valió numerosos elogios, como ser clasificada como la 133.ª marca más influyente en Asia y la 73.ª marca china más valiosa. Sin embargo, su logro más significativo es convertirse en la sexta empresa de maquinaria de construcción más grande del mundo y la más grande de China.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Clasificada como la 133ª marca más influyente de Asia.
    • Catalogada como la 73ª marca china más valiosa.
    • La sexta empresa de maquinaria de construcción más grande del mundo y la más grande de China.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    4. Sinotruk

    Sinotruk heavy equipment

     Sinotruk existe desde hace mucho tiempo y se fundó en 1935. Esto ha convertido a Sinotruk en uno de los fabricantes de equipos pesados ​​con más experiencia, lo que le ha valido a la empresa un gran respeto y confianza. Sin embargo, a medida que la tecnología cambia, también lo hace Sinotruk. En 2007 se constituyó como filial del China National Heavy Duty Truck Group para ayudarle a seguir creciendo y revolucionar sus productos. El producto característico de Sinotruk es el camión pesado: tres quintas partes de todos sus vehículos vendidos en 2020 fueron estos camiones. Y hay una razón por la que centran sus esfuerzos en fabricarlos: son uno de los mejores en eso. Ocuparon el puesto número uno en la industria nacional de camiones pesados ​​de China.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 102 entre las 500 principales empresas manufactureras chinas y el 222 entre las principales empresas chinas.
    • Catalogado como noveno entre los fabricantes de maquinaria de construcción en Hong Kong.
    • Suministra a más de 110 países de todo el mundo.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    5. LiuGong

    LiuGong nunca ha dejado de demostrar su capacidad para complacer a sus clientes en los 63 años transcurridos desde su fundación. Ofrecen muchos tipos de maquinaria, todas ellas de la más alta calidad. Debido a su éxito, han podido trasladar su negocio a cubrir todo el mundo y ahora suministran a más de 100 países y regiones. En la extremadamente diversa gama de productos de LiuGong, la máquina que más destaca es su cargadora de ruedas, de la que es el mayor fabricante del mundo.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Clasificada entre las 100 mejores empresas chinas.
    • Entre los 50 principales fabricantes mundiales de maquinaria de construcción.
    • El volumen de exportación anual supera los 7.700 millones de dólares estadounidenses.

     Maquinaria Popular:

    6. SDLG

     SDLG es, al igual que las empresas que cotizan en bolsa anteriormente, un excelente fabricante de maquinaria pesada. Sin embargo, lo que distingue a SDLG es su absoluta dedicación a la tecnología y su mejora. Han superado con éxito la evaluación de 29 logros científicos y tecnológicos, han ganado nueve premios por logros científicos y tecnológicos y actualmente poseen 38 patentes. Han difundido sus tecnologías por todos los ámbitos, por lo que todos sus productos son tan avanzados y eficaces como los demás. La cargadora de ruedas SDLG ha recibido elogios y se dice que es la cargadora de ruedas más eficaz del mundo.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 167 entre las 500 principales empresas chinas.
    • Top 5 en fabricación de maquinaria de construcción.
    • Suministra a más de 132 países y regiones.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    7. Shantui

     Shantui es excelente en muchas cosas, pero es más conocido por una: las topadoras. Si necesita una topadora de alta calidad, no hay nada mejor que Shantui. No en vano se les conoce como el rey de las excavadoras en China. Las topadoras Shantui han ocupado el primer lugar en producción y ventas mundiales durante 16 años consecutivos y no muestran signos de detenerse. Dos de cada cinco topadoras sobre orugas en 2010 fueron fabricadas por Shantui. Es más, sus topadoras siempre están mejorando. En 2019, crearon y comercializaron la primera topadora de alta potencia con control remoto 5G del mundo.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 38 en la fabricación mundial de maquinaria de construcción.
    • El volumen de ventas anual supera los 7.060 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
    • Suministra a más de 160 países y regiones.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    8. Changlin

     Changlin existe desde hace 35 años, pero se ha ido reinventando en los últimos años. Fueron adquiridas por Sinomach, la Corporación Nacional de la Industria de Maquinaria de China, lo que les ha brindado los recursos para llevar su negocio al siguiente nivel. Han mejorado la eficiencia de su servicio y la eficacia de sus productos y ahora pueden competir con cualquier fabricante de equipos pesados. Changlin comenzó con cargadoras de ruedas y apisonadoras y, con el paso de los años, las ha dominado, lo que les ha valido un reconocimiento especialmente alto.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Entre los 500 principales fabricantes chinos.
    • Más de 1800 empleados.
    • Más de 11 mil millones de dólares en ingresos por ventas anuales.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    9. Foton Lovol

     Foton Lovol es otra empresa relativamente joven, fundada en 1996, pero desde su creación ha crecido a un ritmo extraordinario. En 2005, apenas nueve años después de su fundación, ocupó el puesto número uno en la industria automotriz y el número 11 en la categoría de marca más valiosa. Son especialmente conocidos por sus retroexcavadoras debido a su flexibilidad y fiabilidad inigualables.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 64 entre las 500 principales empresas chinas y el 41 en fabricación de maquinaria de construcción.
    • El volumen de exportación anual supera los 210 millones de dólares estadounidenses.
    • Suministra a más de 120 países de todo el mundo.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    10.  CIMC

     CIMC pone gran énfasis en la calidad, asegurando que cada uno de sus productos sea lo más impecable posible. En 2014, gracias a su diligencia, recibieron el Premio Mayor a la Calidad en la ciudad de Shenzhen, el honor más alto que puede otorgar el gobierno municipal de Shenzhen. 50.000 empleados trabajando duro hacen posible esta impresionante operación. CIMC I mejor conocido por sus contenedores. En 1996, se convirtió en el mayor fabricante de contenedores secos del mundo.

    Hechos rápidos:

    • Ocupa el puesto 73 entre las 500 principales empresas chinas.
    • El volumen de exportación anual supera los 94,2 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses.
    • Suministra a más de 100 países de todo el mundo.

    Maquinaria Popular:

    Elegir la empresa adecuada para su proyecto de construcción

    Como ha visto en esta lista, si bien todas las empresas son excepcionales, se especializan en cosas diferentes. Por ejemplo, si desea una excavadora, es posible que desee optar por Shantui. Alternativamente, si desea una grúa torre, Zoomlion podría ser su mejor opción. Pero es más complicado que sólo las especialidades. La ubicación y la accesibilidad también son importantes y existen varias consultas logísticas a la hora de determinar el mejor fabricante de equipos pesados.

    Aquí es donde nosotros en Camamach podemos ayudarle. Podemos aconsejarle qué empresa sería mejor para su proyecto específico, así como gestionar todos los aspectos que requieren mucho tiempo del proceso de compra. Estamos disponibles en todo el mundo y podemos garantizar un servicio al cliente excepcional. Puede comunicarse con nosotros para obtener una cotización GRATUITA hoy por correo electrónico [email protected] o enviar un mensaje por WhatsApp si tiene alguna pregunta para una respuesta rápida al +86-136-4120-4971.


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    ✅ ¿Eres una empresa de 11 - 50 personas?

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    Si su respuesta es SÍ, contáctenos ahora para una consulta GRATUITA

  • أفضل 10 شركات صينية للمعدات الثقيلة

    أفضل 10 شركات صينية للمعدات الثقيلة

    تزدهر صناعة تصنيع المعدات الثقيلة في الصين، ولتلبية هذه الزيادة في الطلب توجد العديد من الشركات عالية الجودة. ومع ذلك، قد يكون اختيار الشركة التي ستلبي احتياجاتك على أفضل وجه أمرًا صعبًا للغاية، حيث تقدم كل منها مزايا فريدة. هذا هو المكان الذي يمكن أن تساعدك فيه هذه المدونة. فيما يلي أفضل 10 مصنعين صينيين للمعدات الثقيلة، مصنفين على أساس الجودة والسمعة والموثوقية والمزيد.

    1. XCMG

    XCMG Logo

     كانت XCMG رائدة في السوق منذ تأسيسها في عام 1989. وتحت قيادة السيد وانغ مين وخبرته التي تزيد عن 40 عامًا في صناعة الآلات، قامت XCMG بنشر أعمالها في جميع أنحاء العالم حيث تقوم الآن بتوريد أكثر من 187 دولة ومنطقة. على الرغم من أن XCMG تتمتع بأعلى مستويات الجودة في جميع آلات البناء التي تقدمها، إلا أنها مشهورة بالرافعة المجنزرة ذات الرافعة المجنزرة 4000 طن والتي غالبًا ما يطلق عليها من بين الأفضل في العالم.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 122 بين أفضل 500 شركة صينية.
    • حصلت على المرتبة الخامسة في تصنيع آلات البناء.
    • يتجاوز حجم الصادرات السنوية 1.6 مليار دولار أمريكي.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    2. SANY

    Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale

     ساني هي شركة عالمية قوية ولها اسم مألوف في جميع أنحاء العالم. لقد حققت العديد من الإنجازات لإثبات ذلك، مثل كونها أول صناعة صينية تدخل قائمة Financial Times Global 500. ولدعم عملياتها العالمية، توظف أكثر من 90,000 شخص حول العالم حتى تتمكن من التأكد من أنه أينما كنت، فإن ساني لديها الموارد لخدمتك. يكمن تخصص ساني في آلات الخرسانة حيث تحتل المرتبة الأولى في العالم في هذا القطاع.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • ثالث أكبر مصنع للمعدات الثقيلة في العالم.
    • توظف أكثر من 90.000 شخص حول العالم.
    • أول مصنع صيني للمعدات الثقيلة يصل إلى تصنيفات فوربس جلوبال 2000

    الآلات الشعبية:

    3. Zoomlion

    Official brand logo of Zoomlion

     Zoomlion هي واحدة من أحدث الشركات في هذه القائمة حيث تأسست في عام 1992، ولكن هذا لا يعني أنها تفتقر إلى الجودة. لقد ذهب Zoomlion في اتجاه واحد فقط منذ إنشائه: إلى الأعلى. سواء من حيث النجاح أو من حيث ارتفاع الرافعات، فإن المنتج الذي يفخرون به هو حق. قامت Zoomlion مؤخرًا بتطوير رافعة لجميع التضاريس بوزن 2000 طن تتمتع بأكبر قدرة رفع في العالم. كما طورت أكبر رافعة برجية ذاتية التسلق ذات هيكل علوي ذات ذراع مستوية في العالم وأول رافعة مجنزرة بوزن 3200 طن في الصين. إن موقع Zoomlion في المقدمة في سباق التكنولوجيا أكسبها العديد من الأوسمة مثل تصنيفها في المرتبة 133 من العلامات التجارية الأكثر تأثيرًا في آسيا وفي المرتبة 73 من العلامات التجارية الصينية الأكثر قيمة. ومع ذلك، فإن أهم إنجاز لها هو أن تصبح سادس أكبر شركة في العالم وأكبر مؤسسة لآلات البناء في الصين.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • تم تصنيفها في المرتبة 133 من بين العلامات التجارية الأكثر تأثيرًا في آسيا.
    • تم إدراجها في المرتبة 73 من بين العلامات التجارية الصينية الأكثر قيمة.
    • سادس أكبر مؤسسة لآلات البناء في العالم وأكبرها في الصين.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    4. Sinotruk

     لقد كانت Sinotruk موجودة منذ فترة طويلة حيث تم تأسيسها في عام 1935. وهذا جعل Sinotruk واحدة من أكثر الشركات المصنعة للمعدات الثقيلة خبرة في السوق، مما اكتسب الشركة احترامًا وثقة كبيرين. ومع ذلك، مع تغير التكنولوجيا، تتغير ساينو تراك أيضًا. وفي عام 2007، تم تأسيسها كشركة تابعة لمجموعة الشاحنات الثقيلة الوطنية الصينية لمساعدتها على مواصلة النمو وإحداث ثورة في منتجاتها. المنتج المميز لشركة Sinotruk هو الشاحنة الثقيلة حيث تمثل هذه الشاحنات ثلاثة أخماس جميع مركباتها المباعة في عام 2020. وهناك سبب يجعلهم يركزون جهودهم على صنعها: فهم من بين الأفضل في ذلك. لقد احتلوا المرتبة الأولى في صناعة الشاحنات الثقيلة المحلية في الصين.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 102 بين أفضل 500 شركة تصنيع صينية والمرتبة 222 بين أفضل الشركات الصينية.
    • تم إدراجها في المرتبة التاسعة بين مصنعي آلات البناء في هونغ كونغ.
    • تزود أكثر من 110 دولة حول العالم.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    5. LiuGong

     لم تفشل LiuGong أبدًا في إثبات قدرتها على إرضاء عملائها خلال 63 عامًا منذ تأسيسها. إنهم يقدمون العديد من أنواع الآلات، وكلها على أعلى مستوى من الجودة. ونظرًا لنجاحهم، فقد تمكنوا من نقل أعمالهم لتغطية العالم حيث يقومون الآن بتزويد أكثر من 100 دولة ومنطقة. في مجموعة منتجات LiuGong المتنوعة للغاية، فإن الآلة الأكثر تميزًا هي الجرافة ذات العجلات التي تعد أكبر شركة مصنعة لها في العالم.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • تم تصنيفها ضمن أفضل 100 شركة صينية.
    • من بين أفضل 50 شركة مصنعة لآلات البناء على مستوى العالم.
    • حجم الصادرات السنوي يتجاوز 7.7 مليار دولار أمريكي.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    6. SDLG

     SDLG، مثل الشركات المدرجة سابقًا، هي شركة مصنعة ممتازة للمعدات الثقيلة. ومع ذلك، فإن ما يجعل SDLG بارزًا هو تفانيهم المطلق في التكنولوجيا وتحسينها. لقد نجحوا في اجتياز تقييم 29 إنجازًا علميًا وتكنولوجيًا، وفازوا بتسع جوائز للإنجازات العلمية والتكنولوجية، ويمتلكون حاليًا 38 براءة اختراع. لقد قاموا بنشر تقنياتهم في جميع المجالات، لذا فإن جميع منتجاتهم متقدمة وفعالة مثل المنتجات الأخرى. لقد نال الجرافة ذات العجلات SDLG استحسانًا حيث قيل إنها الجرافة ذات العجلات الأكثر تأثيرًا في العالم.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 167 بين أفضل 500 شركة صينية.
    • أعلى 5 في تصنيع آلات البناء.
    • تزود أكثر من 132 دولة ومنطقة.

    الآلات الشعبية:


    7. Shantui

    إن Shantui رائع في أشياء كثيرة، لكنهم معروفون بواحدة منها: الجرافات. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى جرافة عالية الجودة، فلن تتمكن من الحصول على أفضل بكثير من شانتوي. يُعرفون باسم ملك الجرافات في الصين لسبب ما. احتلت جرافات شانتوي المرتبة الأولى في الإنتاج والمبيعات العالمية لمدة 16 عامًا متتالية، ولا تظهر عليها أي علامات للتوقف. تم تصنيع اثنتين من أصل خمس جرافات مجنزرة في عام 2010 بواسطة Shantui. علاوة على ذلك، فإن جرافاتهم تتحسن دائمًا. وفي عام 2019، قاموا بإنشاء وتسويق أول جرافة عالية الطاقة تعمل بتقنية الجيل الخامس (5G) يتم التحكم فيها عن بعد في العالم.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 38 في تصنيع آلات البناء العالمية.
    • يتجاوز حجم المبيعات السنوية 7.06 مليار دولار أمريكي.
    • إمدادات أكثر من 160 دولة ومنطقة.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    8. Changlin

     لقد كانت شركة Changlin موجودة منذ 35 عامًا، لكنها أعادت تصور نفسها في السنوات الأخيرة. وقد تم الاستحواذ عليهم من قبل شركة سينوماتش، الشركة الوطنية لصناعة الآلات في الصين، والتي منحتهم الموارد اللازمة للارتقاء بأعمالهم إلى المستوى التالي. لقد قاموا بتحسين كفاءة خدماتهم وفعالية منتجاتهم ويمكنهم الآن التنافس مع أي شركة مصنعة للمعدات الثقيلة. لقد بدأت شركة Changlin بالجرافات ذات العجلات والمداحل وعلى مر السنين أتقنتها، مما أكسبها شهرة كبيرة بشكل خاص.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • من بين أفضل 500 مصنع صيني.
    • أكثر من 1800 موظف.
    • أكثر من 11 مليار دولار أمريكي في إيرادات المبيعات السنوية.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    9. Foton Lovol

     Foton Lovol هي شركة أخرى حديثة نسبيًا، حيث تأسست في عام 1996، ولكن منذ إنشائها، نمت بوتيرة غير عادية. في عام 2005، بعد تسع سنوات فقط من تأسيسها، احتلت المرتبة الأولى في صناعة السيارات والمرتبة 11 في فئة العلامات التجارية الأكثر قيمة. إنهم معروفون بشكل خاص باللوادر ذات المحراث الخلفي نظرًا لمرونتها وموثوقيتها التي لا مثيل لها.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 64 بين أفضل 500 شركة صينية والمرتبة 41 في تصنيع آلات البناء.
    • يتجاوز حجم الصادرات السنوية 210 مليون دولار أمريكي.
    • تزود أكثر من 120 دولة حول العالم.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    10.  CIMC

     تركز CIMC بشكل كبير على الجودة، مما يضمن أن كل منتج من منتجاتها خالي من العيوب قدر الإمكان. في عام 2014، وبسبب اجتهادهم، حصلوا على جائزة جودة العمدة في مدينة شنتشن، وهو أعلى وسام يمكن أن تمنحه حكومة بلدية شنتشن. يعمل 50.000 موظف بجد لجعل هذه العملية الرائعة ممكنة. CIMC اشتهرت بحاوياتها. وفي عام 1996، أصبحت أكبر شركة مصنعة للحاويات الجافة في العالم.

    حقائق سريعة:

    • احتلت المرتبة 73 بين أفضل 500 شركة صينية.
    • حجم الصادرات السنوي يتجاوز 94.2 مليار دولار أمريكي.
    • تزود أكثر من 100 دولة حول العالم.

    الآلات الشعبية:

    اختيار الشركة المناسبة لمشروع البناء الخاص بك

    كما رأيت في هذه القائمة، على الرغم من أن جميع الشركات استثنائية، إلا أنها تتخصص في أشياء مختلفة. على سبيل المثال، إذا كنت تريد جرافة، فقد ترغب في اختيار Shantui. وبدلاً من ذلك، إذا كنت تريد رافعة برجية، فقد يكون Zoomlion هو خيارك الأفضل. لكن الأمر أكثر تعقيدًا من مجرد التخصصات. يعد الموقع وإمكانية الوصول أمرًا مهمًا أيضًا، وهناك العديد من الاستفسارات اللوجستية عند تحديد أفضل شركة مصنعة للمعدات الثقيلة.

    هذا هو المكان الذي يمكننا في Camamach مساعدتك فيه. يمكننا أن ننصحك بالشركة الأفضل لمشروعك المحدد بالإضافة إلى إدارة جميع الجوانب التي تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً في عملية الشراء. نحن متواجدون في جميع أنحاء العالم ويمكننا ضمان خدمة عملاء استثنائية. يمكنك التواصل معنا للحصول على عرض أسعار مجاني اليوم عبر البريد الإلكتروني [email protected] أو إرسال رسالة على WhatsApp إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة للحصول على استجابة سريعة +86-136-4120-4971.


    كيف يمكننا مساعدتك فيما يتعلق بمتطلبات المعدات/الأجزاء الخاصة بك؟

    ✅ هل أنت شركة مكونة من 11 - 50 شخصًا؟

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  • Top 10 des fabricants chinois d’équipement lourd

    L'industrie de la fabrication d'équipements lourds est en plein essor en Chine et de nombreuses entreprises de haute qualité peuvent répondre à cette augmentation de la demande. Cependant, choisir quelle entreprise répondra le mieux à vos besoins peut être assez difficile, car chacune offre des avantages uniques. C'est là que ce blog peut vous aider. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les 10 principaux fabricants chinois d’équipements lourds à venir, classés en fonction de leur qualité, de leur réputation, de leur fiabilité, etc.

    1. XCMG

    XCMG Logo

    XCMG est un leader sur le marché depuis sa création en 1989. Sous la direction de M. Wang Min et ses plus de 40 années d'expérience dans l'industrie des machines, XCMG a étendu ses activités dans le monde entier et fournit désormais plus de 187 pays et régions. Bien que XCMG soit de la plus haute qualité avec toutes les machines de construction qu'elle fournit, elle est surtout connue pour sa grue sur chenilles, sa grue sur chenilles de 4 000 tonnes étant souvent considérée comme l'une des meilleures au monde.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 122ème parmi les 500 plus grandes entreprises chinoises.
    • Classé parmi les 5 premiers dans la fabrication de machines de construction.
    • Le volume annuel des exportations dépasse 1,6 milliard de dollars américains.

    Machines populaires :

    2. SANY

    Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale


    SANY est une puissance mondiale et est un nom connu partout dans le monde. Elle a remporté de nombreuses réalisations pour le prouver, comme être la première industrie chinoise à entrer dans le Financial Times Global 500. Pour soutenir ses opérations mondiales, elle emploie plus de 90 000 personnes dans le monde entier. Vous pouvez donc être sûr que, où que vous soyez, SANY dispose des ressources nécessaires. pour vous servir. La spécialité de SANY réside dans les machines à béton et est classée numéro 1 mondial dans ce secteur.

    Faits rapides:

    • 3ème constructeur d’équipement lourd au monde.
    • Emploie plus de 90 000 personnes dans le monde.
    • Premier fabricant chinois d'équipement lourd à figurer au classement Forbes Global 2000

    Machines populaires :

    3. Zoomlion

    Official brand logo of Zoomlion

    Zoomlion est l'une des sociétés les plus récentes de cette liste, fondée en 1992, mais cela ne signifie pas qu'elle manque de qualité. Zoomlion n'a suivi qu'un seul chemin depuis sa création : vers le haut. Tant en termes de succès que de hauteur de leurs grues, le produit dont ils sont le plus fiers, et à juste titre. Récemment, Zoomlion a développé une grue tout-terrain de 2 000 tonnes dotée de la plus grande capacité de levage au monde. Elle a également développé la plus grande grue à tour auto-grimpante à superstructure pivotante et à flèche horizontale au monde et la première grue sur chenilles de 3 200 tonnes en Chine. La position de leader de Zoomlion dans la course à la technologie lui a valu de nombreuses distinctions, notamment le classement au 133ème rang des marques les plus influentes en Asie et au 73ème rang des marques chinoises les plus valorisées. Toutefois, sa réalisation la plus significative est de devenir la 6ème plus grande entreprise de machines de construction au monde et la plus grande en Chine.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 133ème marque la plus influente en Asie.
    • Classée au 73e rang des marques chinoises les plus valorisées.
    • La 6ème plus grande entreprise de machines de construction au monde et la plus grande de Chine.

    Machines populaires :

    4. Sinotruk

    Sinotruk heavy equipment

    Sinotruk existe depuis longtemps puisqu'elle a été fondée en 1935. Cela a fait de Sinotruk l'un des fabricants d'équipements lourds les plus expérimentés, gagnant à l'entreprise un grand respect et une grande confiance. Cependant, à mesure que la technologie évolue, Sinotruk évolue également. En 2007, elle a été constituée en tant que filiale du China National Heavy Duty Truck Group pour l'aider à poursuivre sa croissance et à révolutionner ses produits. Le produit phare de Sinotruk est le camion lourd, les trois cinquièmes de tous ses véhicules vendus en 2020 étant ces camions. Et il y a une raison pour laquelle ils concentrent leurs efforts sur leur réalisation : ils sont parmi les meilleurs dans ce domaine. Ils se classent au premier rang dans l’industrie nationale des camions lourds en Chine.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 102e parmi les 500 plus grandes entreprises manufacturières chinoises et 222e parmi les meilleures entreprises chinoises.
    • Classé au 9ème rang parmi les fabricants de machines de construction à Hong Kong.
    • Fournit plus de 110 pays à travers le monde.

    Machines populaires :

    5. LiuGong

     LiuGong n'a jamais manqué de démontrer sa capacité à satisfaire ses clients au cours des 63 années écoulées depuis sa création. Ils proposent de nombreux types de machines, toutes de la plus haute qualité. Grâce à leur succès, ils ont pu déplacer leur activité pour couvrir le monde entier et approvisionnent désormais plus de 100 pays et régions. Dans la gamme extrêmement diversifiée de produits LiuGong, la machine qui se démarque le plus est leur chargeuse sur pneus, dont ils sont le plus grand fabricant au monde.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée parmi les 100 meilleures entreprises chinoises.
    • Parmi les 50 premiers fabricants mondiaux de machines de construction.
    • Le volume annuel des exportations dépasse 7,7 milliards de dollars américains.

     Machines populaires :

    6. SDLG

     SDLG est, à l’instar des sociétés précédemment cotées, un excellent fabricant d’équipement lourd. Ce qui distingue SDLG, cependant, c'est son dévouement absolu à la technologie et à son amélioration. Ils ont passé avec succès l'évaluation de 29 réalisations scientifiques et technologiques, remporté neuf prix pour leurs réalisations scientifiques et technologiques et possèdent actuellement 38 brevets. Ils ont diffusé leurs technologies à tous les niveaux, de sorte que tous leurs produits sont tout aussi avancés et efficaces que les autres. La chargeuse sur pneus SDLG a été acclamée car elle est considérée comme la chargeuse sur pneus la plus efficace au monde.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 167ème parmi les 500 plus grandes entreprises chinoises.
    • Top 5 dans la fabrication de machines de construction.
    • Fournit plus de 132 pays et régions.

    Machines populaires :

    7. Shantui

    Shantui est doué dans de nombreux domaines, mais il est surtout connu pour un seul : les bulldozers. Si vous avez besoin d’un bulldozer de haute qualité, vous ne pouvez pas trouver mieux que Shantui. Ce n’est pas pour rien qu’ils sont connus comme les rois des bulldozers en Chine. Les bulldozers Shantui se classent au premier rang mondial en termes de production et de ventes depuis 16 années consécutives, et ils ne montrent aucun signe d'arrêt. En 2010, deux bulldozers sur cinq sur cinq étaient fabriqués par Shantui. De plus, leurs bulldozers s’améliorent constamment. En 2019, ils ont créé et commercialisé le premier bulldozer haute puissance télécommandé 5G au monde.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classé 38e dans la fabrication mondiale de machines de construction.
    • Le volume des ventes annuelles dépasse 7,06 milliards de dollars américains.
    • Fournit plus de 160 pays et régions.

    Machines populaires :


    8. Changlin

     Changlin existe depuis 35 ans mais s'est réinventé ces dernières années. Ils ont été acquis par Sinomach, la société chinoise National Machinery Industry Corporation, qui leur a donné les ressources nécessaires pour faire passer leur entreprise au niveau supérieur. Ils ont amélioré l'efficacité de leur service et l'efficacité de leurs produits et peuvent désormais rivaliser avec n'importe quel fabricant d'équipement lourd. Changlin a débuté avec des chargeuses sur pneus et des rouleaux compresseurs et, au fil des années, ils les ont maîtrisés, ce qui leur a valu une renommée particulièrement élevée.

    Faits rapides:

    • Parmi les 500 premiers fabricants chinois.
    • Plus de 1800 salariés.
    • Plus de 11 milliards de dollars de chiffre d'affaires annuel.

    Machines populaires :

    9. Foton Lovol

    Foton Lovol est une autre entreprise relativement jeune, fondée en 1996, mais depuis sa création, elle s'est développée à un rythme extraordinaire. En 2005, neuf ans seulement après sa création, elle se classait numéro un dans l'industrie automobile et numéro 11 dans la catégorie des marques les plus valorisées. Ils sont particulièrement réputés pour leurs chargeuses-pelleteuses en raison de leur flexibilité et de leur fiabilité inégalées.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 64e parmi les 500 plus grandes entreprises chinoises et 41e dans la fabrication de machines de construction.
    • Le volume annuel des exportations dépasse 210 millions de dollars américains.
    • Fournit plus de 120 pays à travers le monde.

    Machines populaires :

    10.  CIMC

     CIMC accorde une grande importance à la qualité et veille à ce que chacun de ses produits soit aussi impeccable que possible. En 2014, en raison de leur diligence, ils ont reçu le Prix du Maire de la Qualité de la ville de Shenzhen, la plus haute distinction que le gouvernement municipal de Shenzhen puisse décerner. 50 000 employés qui travaillent dur rendent possible cette opération impressionnante. CIMC I surtout connu pour ses conteneurs. En 1996, ils sont devenus le plus grand fabricant de conteneurs secs au monde.

    Faits rapides:

    • Classée 73ème parmi les 500 plus grandes entreprises chinoises.
    • Le volume annuel des exportations dépasse 94,2 milliards de dollars américains.
    • Fournit plus de 100 pays à travers le monde.

    Machines populaires :


    Choisir la bonne entreprise pour votre projet de construction

    Comme vous l'avez vu dans cette liste, même si toutes les entreprises sont exceptionnelles, elles se spécialisent dans des domaines différents. Par exemple, si vous vouliez un bulldozer, vous voudrez peut-être opter pour Shantui. Alternativement, si vous recherchez une grue à tour, Zoomlion pourrait être votre meilleur choix. Mais c’est plus compliqué que de simples spécialités. L'emplacement et l'accessibilité sont également importants et plusieurs questions logistiques se posent lorsqu'il s'agit de déterminer le meilleur fabricant d'équipement lourd à choisir.

    C'est là que Camamach peut vous aider. Nous pouvons vous conseiller quelle entreprise conviendrait le mieux à votre projet spécifique et gérer tous les aspects fastidieux du processus d’achat. Nous sommes disponibles dans le monde entier et pouvons garantir un service client exceptionnel. Vous pouvez nous contacter pour un devis GRATUIT dès aujourd'hui par e-mail à [email protected] ou envoyer un message sur WhatsApp si vous avez des questions pour une réponse rapide au +86-136-4120-4971.

    Comment pouvons-nous vous aider avec vos besoins en équipements/pièces ?

    ✅ Êtes-vous une entreprise de 11 à 50 personnes ?

    ✅ Vous passez trop de temps à trouver les bons fabricants d'équipements ?


    ✅ Vous ne savez pas si vous obtiendrez le bon équipement ?

    ✅ Vous ne savez pas si vous obtiendrez le bon service après-vente et les bonnes pièces de rechange ?

    Si votre réponse est OUI, contactez-nous maintenant pour une consultation GRATUITE

  • Overview of Sinotruk Equipment and How to Buy Sinotruk Products in 2024!

    • Location: Headquarters in Shandong
    • Founded: Incorporated in 2007 as a subsidiary of the China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, founded in 1935
    • CEO & Chairman: Cai Dong

    Introduction to Sinotruk

    Sinotruk is a big leader in the world of moving things. They make very strong trucks that can handle many different needs across lots of businesses all around the globe. Sinotruk's trucks are always there when you need them, work well, and last long. They help move goods around the world for buying and selling stuff.

    Sinotruk makes many types of trucks for big city deliveries, rough roads and different transport needs. These machines are built tough to handle hard tasks, giving the best results and making sure important things move smoothly in different areas.

    Sinotruk's trucks are more than just cars. They are essential helpers for moving goods smoothly in business and industries. These trucks are known for being strong and dependable. They can handle difficult places, helping to make supply chains worldwide more efficient and productive.

    Overview of Sinotruk Company

    Started many years ago, Sinotruk began a trip based on a dream to change how people move things. The small business began to grow bigger. It used new smart tools and always focused on doing things well. Now, Sinotruk is a big company in the heavy truck making business. People love it because they make good trucks with new technology.

    The company's growth path shows its strong commitment to advance. Sinotruk, which started small and then grew worldwide. They show strength, creativity and always strive for good engineering skills. This change has made it a strong power, changing the future of big transport.

    Evolution and Growth of Sinotruk

    Sinotruk's growth shows how much they care about always getting better and making new things. The business has always been working to make its truck versions better over time. This includes improving engine technologies, using stronger materials and adding smart design things. This change has made Sinotruk a leader in the industry, setting goals for greatness in making big trucks.

    What is SINOTRUK?

    SINOTRUK means the trucks made by Sinotruk. These trucks come in different sizes and can do many things, helping to meet lots of needs for moving stuff. SINOTRUK's trucks are small and fast or big and strong. They cover many types of needs in moving stuff quickly and well.


    Sinotruk Engine Manufacturer

    Besides making trucks, Sinotruk also makes good engines that power their cars. These engines are the main source of power, giving enough strength and speed to push big loads. Sinotruk's engines are reliable and good. They make sure their trucks work really well.

    Sinotruk Specializations and Market Position

    Categories of Specialization

    • Heavy Duty Trucks
    • Specialized Vehicles
    • And much more

    Market Position

    Sinotruk is a big name in the heavy truck market. They make many special types of vehicles for different business needs. Their trucks are made for different jobs, like moving things, helping build projects and working hard in the tough mining industry. Sinotruk's trucks are well-known for being strong and long-lasting. They are usually picked to do difficult tasks that need lots of strength.

      • The brand ranks 102nd among the top 500 Chinese manufacturing enterprises and 222nd among the top 500 Chinese enterprises.
      • It ranks 9th in Construction Machinery Manufacturing for Hong Kong and 1st in China’s domestic Heavy Duty trucks industry.
      • It supplies equipment to more than 110 countries in the world.
      • Annual export volume exceeds $1.47 billion USD.
    • Sinotruk HOWO

    Sinotruk HOWO is a top model from the Sinotruk brand. It's famous because it works well, can handle tough situations and has many uses. These HOWO trucks include many kinds, made for different transport needs in all sorts of businesses.

    The HOWO series has trucks made for many uses such as moving stuff, building work and more. These big trucks have fancy gadgets, strong build quality and powerful performance. People like to use them for tough jobs everywhere in the world.

    • Who makes Sinotruk in China?

    Sinotruk, sometimes called China National Heavy Duty Truck Group, is the main company making this brand. Sinotruk is a big part of China's heavy truck business. They make advanced trucks in their modern factories with skilled workers who put together many types, like the popular Sinotruk HOWO series.

    The company is really good at making things. It also likes to make new stuff and keep quality high. This has helped it become a major player in China's truck market for big trucks. Sinotruk's tireless drive for top-notch engineering has made it a sign of dependability and greatness in the world of big machines.

    Sinotruk Product Quality and Reputation

    Trustworthy Trucks for Tough Tasks

    Sinotruk is famous for making excellent trucks. People rely on their trucks because they are powerful, function right and stay for a long time. When you need a truck that can deal with heavy stuff and hard work, Sinotruk's trucks shine for their quality and trustworthiness.

    Why Sinotruk Trucks Are Trusted:

    • Strength and Toughness: Sinotruk trucks are built very strong to manage difficult tasks.
    • Reliable Performance: They work correctly and usually don't cause issues. This makes them trustworthy.
    • Long-Lasting: These big cars are built to stay strong for a long time, so people believe in them because they're tough.
    • Good Reputation: Many folks and companies believe in Sinotruk because they are known for creating quality trucks.

    Sinotruk is known for making trucks that people trust. These trucks are used to deliver things, do construction work and other heavy jobs.

    How is Sinotruk Quality?

    Sinotruk is one of the biggest heavy-duty truck manufacturers in the world. It’s the first international heavy truck enterprise for China and is, without a doubt, the best the country has to offer. The brand was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2007, while the parent company, which was China’s first heavy-duty truck manufacturer, has been in business for 86 years.

    Sinotruk Quality Standards

    Upholding Superior Quality

    It's clear that Sinotruk cares about quality throughout its production process. The company closely follows global quality rules like ISO 9001 to make sure every truck reaches high standards. They carefully choose good materials and use the latest technology for each part. It gets checked many times to make sure it works well. The quality team at Sinotruk very carefully checks parts. They make sure each truck is strong, works well and is safe to use. By constantly making new things and following high standards, Sinotruk keeps its name for good quality trucks that work well in tough conditions.

    Continuous Improvement

    Sinotruk's quality rules are not only about fulfilling needs, but also always trying to get better and improve. The firm puts money into studying and improving old trucks, as well as inventing new ones. Listening to what customers say and understanding the market helps them improve their cars. This focus on getting better means that Sinotruk trucks change along with the needs of different businesses, including adding new features, upgrading materials and improving safety measures.

    Certification and Recognition

    Sinotruk's strong focus on high quality has gained it many prizes and acceptance in the global business world. The company's trucks follow several quality certifications around the world. This makes sure they meet safety, environment and performance rules. Sinotruk has gotten great prizes and confirmations because they always make things well. This makes them a trusted brand in the big truck making business.

    Reputation and Recognition

    Global Trust and Reliability

    People trust Sinotruk because they always make good trucks that work well and quickly. For many years, businesses in different fields have used Sinotruk for its strong vehicles that can deal with hard jobs. The world knows this brand because it always makes trucks that work well, last long and use fuel good.

    Customer Satisfaction

    Sinotruk puts customers first, building strong ties with them by offering good quality products. The company's promise to give trucks that are better than what people want has made many happy customers. People all around the world like Sinotruk because it is trustworthy and works well. They often choose it to move heavy things.

    Industry Recognition

    Sinotruk's name is well-known, not just for making people happy but also in the truck business. The company has gotten respect and recognition from experts in the industry, rivals, and people connected to it. Sinotruk, known for its good quality and progress made in big truck technology, is a top company worldwide.

    Sinotruk Parts and Spare Parts

    Ensuring Operational Efficiency

    Sinotruk's promise to do good work also applies not only on trucks but also parts needed for repairs. The business makes a wide variety of real parts meant to easily fit and work in their trucks. These parts go through hard tests to make sure they fit, last a long time and work well. This helps trucks do their best the whole time they are used.

    Support and Availability

    You can find Sinotruk parts and spares at many places because they have good service support. Dealers and service places make sure that people can use real parts. This keeps trucks in good shape as the maker wants them to be. This support network reduces time without work and improves the way businesses operate for those who use Sinotruk trucks.

    Quality Assurance in Spare Parts

    Sinotruk's extra truck parts go through the same hard quality checks as their trucks. The company checks each part to make sure it's really good. This gives customers confidence that the extra parts they buy are true and can be trusted. The commitment to using real parts makes Sinotruk trucks work better and last longer.

    What is the Fuel Consumption of SINOTRUK?

    Efficiency and Economy

    Sinotruk's fuel use changes in many ways and is affected by things like type of truck, engine kind, how much cargo it can carry and where you drive. Usually, Sinotruk trucks are made to get the most out of fuel use without losing power. Small city delivery models usually use their fuel more efficiently. But, big hauling trucks might need to burn a lot of it because they can carry heavier loads.

    Fuel Consumption Rates

    The amount of fuel used by Sinotruk trucks can change a lot. For example, a normal 6x4 HOWO truck might use about 32-35 liters for every 100 kilometers when it's working the usual way. On the other hand, an A7 type of truck may have different fuel efficiency since it is designed and built differently with its engine set up being unique too.

    Eco-Friendly Initiatives

    Sinotruk also puts money into green technology, such as engines that follow strict emission rules. These efforts try to lower the harm their trucks have on nature, while keeping good fuel use. This matches up with world rules about protecting our environment and what customers want for green ways of moving things around.

    What is the Top Speed of Sinotruk?

    Speed and Safety

    Sinotruk trucks have different top speeds based on their type, use and engine details. These trucks are made to work safely at speeds fit for driving on highways and tough terrain. Small city delivery trucks might go about 70-90 kilometers per hour. Heavy load haulers could have faster top speeds up to 90-120 kilometers per hour.

    Speed Limitation Factors

    Safety concerns, load limits and road conditions often control how fast Sinotruk trucks go. Different car types have different speeds because of things like how heavy they are, their shape for wind and tires.

    Performance and Stability

    Sinotruk trucks are made to give a mix of speed and safety at their best speeds. These cars are checked really well to make sure they stay steady and in control. This way, you can drive them safely even when going very fast.

    How Many Cylinders Does Sinotruk Have?

    Engine Configuration

    Sinotruk trucks usually have engines with 4, 6 or 8 parts. These are picked according to what the truck is meant for, how much power it needs and being good at using less fuel. Trucks with smaller motors might have 4-part setups, while big trucks usually use engines with 6 or 8 parts to make more strength and turning power.

    Cylinder Types and Performance

    The amount of cylinders in Sinotruk trucks connects with how well they work. Engines with more parts that work together make the car go faster and stronger, making them good for big loads or tough tasks. These engines make the trucks stronger, helping them carry heavy things and go up hills easily.

    Engine Efficiency and Power

    Sinotruk carefully matches the engine's size and numbers of cylinders to make both fuel use better and delivering power more effectively. Their engines are made and tested a lot to make sure they work the best, last long, and don't break down under different working situations.

    Who is the Sinotruk Engine Manufacturer?

    In-House Engine Expertise

    Sinotruk is happy because they make their engines. They show skill and accuracy in designing and making them. The truck company makes their own engines to give them total control over the details. This ensures perfect fit and best performance with their trucks.

    Engine Innovation and Development

    Sinotruk's promise to make engines requires constant changes and growth. The business puts money into new ideas and discoveries, making engine tech better for speeding up performance, saving fuel use while also being kinder to the environment. Sinotruk's engines show the latest technology, meeting new industry rules and customer desires.

    Quality Assurance in Engine Production

    Making engines at Sinotruk has strong quality checks. Each engine is checked and tested very carefully to make sure it meets high quality standards. This careful checking makes sure that Sinotruk engines work great, are dependable and last a long time in their trucks.


    Who Makes Sinotruk in China?

    Manufacturing Excellence

    Sinotruk is a big company in China that makes heavy trucks. The business runs modern factories with top technology and has trained workers. Sinotruk is very dedicated to making top trucks. They make sure their vehicles are of the best quality and meet worldwide rules for all types of work areas.

    Global Footprint

    The main factories of Sinotruk in China make trucks which are sent all over the world. The company's worldwide reach, thanks to its strong building skills in China helps send good and fast trucks all around the world markets. This makes it a well-known trustworthy brand across borders.

    Commitment to Innovation

    Sinotruk's factory work in China does more than just make trucks. They also keep working on new ideas and better ways to do things. The company puts money into new technology and making things better. They help to create new ideas that make their trucks from China even smarter, stronger, and faster.

    Who are SINOTRUK Competitors?

    Industry Landscape

    SINOTRUK meets rivalry from some important companies in the big truck making business. Other big players like Shacman, FAW have trucks just as strong. They want to sell more and make customers happy too.

    Competitive Strategies

    People in the big truck business try to win by using different methods like making new products, setting lower prices, advertising strongly and being nice when they deal with customers. Each person, including Shacman and FAW, brings special things to their trucks with different skills. They aim at specific parts of industries or what customers need.

    Shacman / FAW

    Shacman and FAW are big rivals in the heavy truck business with SINOTRUK. Shacman, known for strong and long-lasting trucks, flights directly with SINOTRUK. They provide different types of big vehicles that are very dependable. But, FAW has a range of different trucks. They focus on new ideas and using advanced technology to meet the needs of their customers better.

    Market Positioning

    Competitors like Shacman and FAW place themselves differently in the market. Shacman works on making sure trucks are strong and long-lasting. They target businesses that need hardy, tough trucks. FAW, known for its improvements in technology, wants to attract people looking for new features and modern design on big trucks.

    Competing for Excellence

    When fighting in the big truck business, SINOTRUK always improves its plans to keep their spot in the market. This contest makes people better and drives new ideas. It helps customers by giving them more good choices for big transportation stuff.

    Are Sino Trucks Good?

    Reliability and Performance

    SINOTRUK and other Sino trucks are known for being dependable and doing their job well. People like these trucks because they are strong, work well and can handle hard jobs. The trucks keep working well and last long, making them known as reliable cars for tough jobs.

    Customer Satisfaction

    People who use Sino trucks are very happy because these trucks do their job really well. Companies in different businesses use Sino trucks because they work well and last long. This makes them happy with the brand.

    Industry Acknowledgment

    Sino trucks are known for being reliable and strong, which has been recognized in the heavy truck business. The company makes good cars all the time and helps heavy truck technology get better. This keeps it as a liked brand among its rivals.

    What is Sinotruk known for? 

    Sinotruk sold more than 500,000 commercial vehicles in 2020, out of which 300,000 were heavy-duty trucks. There was a 67% increase in year-on-year sales for heavy-duty trucks and an 80% year-on-year growth rate for light trucks. With over USD 1.47 billion in exports, the company far outpaces any other manufacturer in the Chinese industry.

    Needless to say, Sinotruk has a well-established reputation in the world, and it has more than enough numbers in revenue to keep living up to the expectations.

    The brand is mainly known as the manufacturer of the best heavy-duty truck in China,  but it also manufactures special purpose vehicles, buses, engines, transmissions, and chassis.  

    Sinotruk Products Overview

    What are the Most Popular Sinotruk Products?

    Sinotruk’s reputation is rooted deep within the industry, and the sole credit belongs to the sustained quality of products. Over the years, the company has introduced products and continues with the innovation to deliver new and improved products.

    Here are the most popular products by Sinotruk:

    Heavy Duty Trucks

    As the name suggests, heavy-duty trucks are engineered to carry heavy loads over long distances. sHaving powerful and cost-saving trucks in your business is vital for a reliable and optimal workflow. Heavy duty trucks by Sinotruk are:

    Popular Truck Head – Sinotruk 6 x 4 371HP / Sinotruk 6 x 4 420HP

    6 x 4 371 HP truck head by Sinotruk - Sinotruck

    The 6 x 4 371 HP truck head by Sinotruk has a 10-wheel tire design and a turbocharged diesel engine that has been built with Steyr technology and is best suited for carrying tanker trailers low bed trailers, and flatbed trailers.

     6 x 4 420HP truck head by Sinotruk

    The 6 x 4 420HP truck head by Sinotruk houses a super-notch 4-stroke 6-cylinder turbocharged engine. The main difference between this and the previous item is the engine. Both provide competitively good performance for the given specifications.

    Popular Product – Sinotruk 6 x4 Hook Arm Garbage Truck | Sinotruk 6 x4 compress Garbage Truck

    Sinotruk 6 x 4 Hook Arm garbage truck

    The Sinotruk 6 x 4 Hook Arm garbage truck features a hydraulic hook system on the chassis for efficient loading and unloading. The truck head houses a 4-stroke 6-cylinder engine with turbocharging, inter - and water -cooling technologies.

    Sinotruck 6 x4 Compress Garbage Tuck

    The Sinotruk 6 x4 Compress Garbage Tuck features compression technology. It has a high compression ratio, high loading capacity, and proper sealing. It also acts as a dumpster truck.

    Popular Cargo Truck – Sinotruk 6 x 4 / Sinotruk 8 x 4

    6 x 4 Cargo Truck by Sinotruk

    This is the 6 x 4 Cargo Truck by Sinotruk. It features the 6-cylinder 4-stroke 336 horsepower diesel engine with inter- and water-cooling technology to haul your cargo for long distances.

    8 x 4 Cargo Truck by Sinotruk

    The 8 x 4 Cargo Truck by Sinotruk features more room and a much powerful engine than the previous product. The truck head has the same 6 cylinder and 4 stroke engine with 371 horsepower, inter, and water cooling technology.

    Popular Dump Truck – Sinotruk 6 x 4 Mining / Sinotruk 6 x 4 / Sinotruk 8 x 4

    6 x 4 Mining Dump Truck by Sinotruk

    The 6 x 4 Mining Dump Truck by Sinotruk is engineered to withstand heavy and rough loadings and unloading of a mining site. It features a 371 HP diesel engine with turbocharging and water cooling. The truck also has a specially designed super braking system for safety on rough terrains.

    6 x 4 Dump Truck by Sinotruk

    This is the 380 HP 6 x 4 Dump Truck by Sinotruk. The engine carries all the signature features of a Sinotruk truck head. The carrier is controlled with advanced hydraulics, and to ensure safety with added heavy loads, the truck also features a 3-style braking system, a traverse stabilizer, a floating suspension, and shock absorbers.

    8 x 4 Dump Truck by Sinotruk

    The 8 x 4 Dump Truck by Sinotruk features hydraulic rams for lifting the truck. The truck head houses the classic engine system along with a sophisticated electrical system.


    Specialized Vehicles

    Special vehicles are equipped with sophisticated technologies to perform specific tasks. There is a wide variety of special vehicles supplied by Camamach. Special Vehicles by Sinotruk include:

    Popular Fire Truck – Sinotruk 15 ton Water Foam Fire Fighting Truck

    15-ton Fire Truck by Sinotruk

    This is the top-of-the-range 15-ton Fire Truck by Sinotruk. It is amongst the biggest HOWO series by the brand, giving you assurance in regards to demanding emergencies. The engine packs 266 HP, and the chassis houses a massive water foam tank that can store 15 cubic meters.

    Popular Mobile Workshop – Sinotruk Customized Mobile Workshop

    Customized Mobile Workshop by Sinotruk

    The Customized Mobile Workshop by Sinotruk is one of the most popular special vehicles supplied by Camamach. It comes with a powerful truck head and a buyer-specific workshop in the container.

    Popular Tankers – 6 x 4 oil Tank Truck / 6 x 4 Water Tank Truck

    6 x 4 Oil Tank Truck by Sinotruk

    The 6 x 4 Oil Tank Truck by Sinotruk is one of the most recommended petrol tankers. It features a 20 CMB cargo body and comes engineered with the lowest possible Kerb weight and best safety measures.

    6 x 4 Water Tank Truck by Sinotruk

    This is the 6 x 4 Water Tank Truck by Sinotruk. It comes with both left and right and driving options. The truck head contains a standard Sinotruk engine, and the tank body is capable of storing 20 cubic meters of water.

    Sinotruk Spare Parts

    Heavy Equipment Spare Parts

    Keeping Trucks Going Strong

    Sinotruk parts are needed to keep trucks working well. These parts are like puzzle pieces that help to repair or change damaged and old parts in the trucks. Using real Sinotruk replacement parts makes sure that the trucks work smoothly and well.

    Key Points about Sinotruk Spare Parts:

    • Genuine Parts: Using real Sinotruk replacement parts keeps the truck working well.
    • Reliability: These pieces are made to fit perfectly and work well, making sure the truck stays dependable.
    • Durability: Sinotruk parts are strong, they last longer and you don't have to change them often.

    These extra parts are very important for making Sinotruk trucks last long and work well.


    What are the Costs of Sinotruk Products?

    What is the Cost of Truck Heads for Sale?

    • The typical Sinotruk truck head available for sale at Camamach ranges from $43,750 to $47,375 USD. The price is dependent upon machine size and model. The prices continually change, so it’s recommended to contact us first for the latest prices.

    What is the Cost of Dump Trucks for Sale?

    • The Dump Trucks supplied by Camamach range from $50,000 to $63,125 USD. The prices vary depending on truck size and model. It’s better to contact Camamach for the latest prices.

    What is the Cost of Garbage Truck for Sale?

    • Garbage trucks supplied by Camamach range from $45,000 to $140,000 USD. The prices, depending on the model and size, constantly change from the manufacturer. Contact Camamach for the latest prices on Garbage trucks.

    What is the Cost of  Fire Trucks for Sale?

    • Fire truck by Sinotruk currently costs $98,400 USD. However, the price keeps changing. Contact us now for the latest prices.


    What is the Cost of Cargo Trucks for Sale?

    • Cargo Trucks by Sinotruk range from $45,650 to $48,750 USD. These prices are determined by the size and model of the cargo truck and constantly change. Contact us now for the latest rates.

    What is the Cost of Mobile Workshop for Sale?

    • The Mobile Workshop by Sinotruk costs $87,500. However, the price is determined by the specific customizations of the workshop. Contact us now with requirements to get a free quote.

    What is the Cost of Tankers for Sale?

    • The tankers by Sinotruk vary from $41,600 to $42,250. The prices are dependent on the model and size of the tankers. Contact Camamach for the latest prices as they keep changing.

    Buying Sinotruk Equipment: Process and Tips

    Your Guide to Procuring Quality Machinery

    Buying Sinotruk tools means following some important steps so you can have a happy and easy purchase. It usually starts with figuring out exactly what gear you need, doing a lot of looking into the chosen types and talking to approved sellers or suppliers.

    Tips for a Successful Purchase:

    • Assess Your Needs: Know exactly what your equipment needs are.
    • Research Thoroughly: Check out different designs, features and costs of what's on offer.
    • Connect with Dealers: Contact certified Sinotruk dealers for trustworthy items and assistance.
    • Evaluate Financing Options: Look at the ways you can get money or borrow something for buying what you want.
    • Inspect Before Buying: When you can, check the gear yourself or get help from an expert.

    How and Where to Buy Sinotruk Equipment and Products?

    Finding Your Reliable Source

    If you want to buy Sinotruk equipment, it's important to talk with trusted sellers or distributors who are connected directly with the company. These shops work all over the world, making sure people can get real Sinotruk products. They also give helpful services to support what they sell.

    Places to Buy Sinotruk Equipment:

    • Authorized Dealerships: Buy directly from official Sinotruk stores to make sure it's real.
    • Online Platforms: Some approved sellers let you buy things on their websites.
    • Trade Shows & Exhibitions: Go to business events where Sinotruk displays its items.

    Best Practices for Purchasing Sinotruk Products

    For an optimal buying experience, follow these best practices when purchasing Sinotruk products:

    Key Practices:

    • Authorized Sources Only: Buy directly from approved Sinotruk sellers or shops.
    • Verify Authenticity: Look for real Sinotruk trademarks and certification.
    • Research and Compare: Check out product details, warranties and services after buying.
    • Seek Expert Advice: Talk to people who know about the topic or have used it before for helpful advice.
    • Review Warranty and Support: Know the conditions of the warranty and what support services you can get.

    Sinotruk HOWO Parts

    Sinotruk HOWO parts are very important for keeping your vehicles working well and strong. True spare parts are important to make sure they fit well and last a long time.

    Key Points about Sinotruk HOWO Parts:

    • Authenticity Matters: Always use real Sinotruk HOWO parts for the best performance.
    • Warranty Consideration: See if the parts have warranty protection.
    • Authorized Dealers: Buy parts from official Sinotruk stores to make sure they are real.
    • Compatibility Assurance: Make sure the parts you buy work with your HOWO model.

    Why is it better to import from China?

    In recent years, ordering heavy equipment directly from Chinese manufacturers such as Sinotruk has become easier. However still, the process can be time-consuming, especially when you are not ordering bulk equipment. You are likely to come across many obstacles when importing equipment from foreign soil. That is why, at Camamach, we serve as the middle man between you and Sinotruk – and its subsidiaries. We handle every ordering and importing process for you and do quality assurance checks before the equipment is delivered to you.

    These barriers include:

    • Communication barriers, primarily due to different languages
    • Ordering in small quantities might not be prioritized by the brand — slow feedback and after services. 
    • Sinotruk’s local distributor might not supply in your country.
    • Uncompetitive prices for small orders.

    We at Camamach deal directly with Sinotruk and take care of all the obstacles a business faces when ordering directly. We can get better pricing and feedback for you, all while providing you the flexibility to order exactly what your business needs.

    Why Should you Choose Camamach for importing equipment from China?

    Getting your equipment from the Chinese brand Sinotruk comes with the benefits of production and cost reduction. Long has the baseless bias against Chinese manufacturers existed around the world. China is en route to becoming the next superpower and offers several advantages along with high-end quality. Importing from a reputable Chinese manufacturer such as Sinotruk combined with the trustworthy assistance of Camamach will get you the best results possible.

    Some of the benefits that Camamach offers include:

    Frequent Factory Visits

    The first step in ensuring that our clients receive the best quality products is to supervise the manufacturing process. We make sure that the manufacturer follows all regulations and procedures to the letter with frequent factory visits.

    Identification of Quality Products from Reliable Manufacturers Frequent Factory Visits

    Camamach has strict manufacturer selection criteria that has been perfected with years of experience in the industry. This makes sure that our clients receive products of the highest quality.

    End to End Procurement

    With end to end procurement, Camamach oversees every process from the moment to order to delivery. This gives our clients the highest form of convenience.

    Cost Savings

    China is perfect for ordering high-quality equipment at affordable rates. Camamach helps its clients by getting them the best possible deals in the market.

    Experienced Manufacturers

    Camamach has been in the industry for years and only works with experienced manufacturers with a stellar reputation. We have exported equipment with such manufacturers to over 20 countries.

    Long Term Cooperation

    Camamach aims to establish a long-term business relationship with its clients. That is why it offers long-term cooperation where clients are assisted in any issue they face regarding the order.

    Continuous QA/QC

    With continuous quality assurance and quality control, Camamach makes sure every process in the order remains consistent and our client gets the best product.

    Where and How to Buy Sinotruk Equipment and Products?

    Here at Camamach, we have premium quality construction equipment from Sinotruk and other Chinese manufacturers for sale at reasonable rates. The ordering process remains as simple as ever, and our excellent customer service is always there to assist you. We export worldwide, so contact us for a FREE quotation today via email [email protected] or send a message on WhatsApp for a fast response +86-131-2037-9271.

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

    ✅ Are you a company of 11 - 50 people?

    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right after sales and spare parts?

    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation


  • Top XCMG Equipment for Construction Projects in 2024!


    XCMG is among the top 5 manufacturers of construction equipment globally and the leading brand in China. It has roots in over 170 countries making it a reliable brand for after-sale services.

    What is the best XCMG Equipment for Construction?

    XCMG’s product range, supplied by Camamach, covers all modern machinery required across the industrial sector. But for this blog, we’ll specifically cover XCMG’s crown jewel product categories in the construction industry.

    Though XCMG is one of the leading brands of concrete machinery, it is mainly renowned for its Excavators and heavy-duty crane vehicles.

    Here is the best XCMG equipment for the construction industry:


    Excavators are digging and lifting machines required across the construction, agriculture, and mining industries. Their categorization is based on the size and power of the machine, which depends on the scale of a project.

    XCMG, being a top brand for excavators offers machines for projects of all scales. Below are some of the best and most popular XCMG excavators.

    XCMG XE740C 47-Ton Excavator | Top Construction Equipment

    A photo of an XCGM 47 Ton Large Size Excavator, model XE470C listed by Camamach for Sale This is an XE740C 47-Ton Excavator from XCMG, one of the many Earth Moving Equipment for sale from Camamach.

    The XE740C 47-Ton excavator is a large-sized heavy-duty machine capable of performing in virtually all kinds of environments. The competitive pricing and reliability of a 284 kN digging force make it the most demanded large-sized excavator from XCMG.

    It features an original Cummins engine with Europe II emission standards, an automatic preheating system, a turbocharger, a large-scale silencer, and a state-of-the-art error prevention system.

    Its advanced hydraulic system, designed for maximum efficiency, features double-pump and convergence technology.

    XCMG XE15U 2-Ton Mini Excavator | Top Construction Equipment

    XCMG XE15U – XCMG 2-Ton Mini Excavator for Sale This is a 2-Ton XE15U from XCMG, one of the many excavators for sale from Camamach.

    The XE15U 2-Ton Excavator from XCMG is a fast and sturdy machine ideal for small-scale projects. Its 16 kN digging force and 0.04 m3 bucket weight capacity work with the same advanced hydraulic system.

    Crane Trucks

    XCMG manufactures both Truck Cranes and Truck Mounted Cranes. Truck cranes are special vehicles built specifically to feature heavy-duty cranes. Truck-mounted cranes are regular trucks with cranes attached to the chassis. Both machines are essential in the construction industry.

    Here are some best products from XCMG.

    XCMG QY25 25-Ton Truck Crane | Top Construction Equipment


    XCMG QY25 – XCMG 25-Ton Truck Crane for Sal This is a 25-Ton QY25 from XCMG, one of the many Truck Cranes for sale from Camamach.

    The QY25 25-ton Truck Crane by XCMG is the most popular machine in its category. It features dual control engines, a bi-hexagonal cross-section boom of 10.4m to 34m, a strong bearing capacity, and a strong anti-bending lifting capacity.

    The truck crane’s exceptional performance relies on its open fixed displacement pump and variable displacement motor system that smoothly deals with light and heavy loads.

    XCMG SQ10ZK3Q 10-Ton Truck-Mounted Crane | Top Construction Equipment

    SQ10ZK3Q 10-Ton Truck-Mounted Crane for Sale This is an SQ10ZK3Q 10-ton Truck-Mounted Crane by XCMG, one of the many Truck Cranes for sale from Camamach.

    The SQ10ZK3Q 10-Ton Truck-Mounted Crane features Single-cylinder synchronization technology and a symmetrically designed boom with anti-bending. Since it’s a hybrid vehicle, the point bridge structure design lowers the accessional stress on the chassis when traveling while the anti-slewing equipment ensures safety.

    What is the best XCMG Equipment for your construction projects?

    The best equipment depends on the scope of your construction project. The above-mentioned equipment, though best in the business, is requirements-oriented.

    It’s important to have comprehensive requirements specifications to get the most out of these heavy-duty machines and spend the minimum amount possible.

    For example, in the case of Excavators, operating weight and digging force are considered to be the primary selection metrics. For lighter loads but hard surfaces, going with a Mini XE15U 2-Ton Excavator is the ideal choice. However, for projects requiring bulk work, speed, higher load capacity, and digging force, an all-rounder option like the XE740C 47-Ton excavator is the preferred choice.

    If you still need more help deciding, just ask an expert at Camamach for a detailed analysis of your project and the best recommendation.

    Where to buy XCMG Equipment for Construction?

    Camamach internationally supplies XCMG construction equipment at competitive rates. With a straightforward ordering procedure and 24/7 customer service, our clients are guaranteed an exceptional experience.

    Contact us for a FREE quotation today via email at [email protected] or send a message on WhatsApp for a fast response at +86-131-2037-9271. Feel free to check out our blogs to learn more about excavators, truck cranes, and other construction equipment!

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

    ✅ Are you a company of 11 - 50 people?

    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right after sales and spare parts?

    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation

  • 5 Ways Camamach Assisted a Construction Company with a 50 Ton Crane Order

    Introduction – Industrial Machinery and Equipment

    Camamach is a reputable and top-rated supplier of Industrial Machinery and Equipment. We make sure to satisfy our client’s needs and requirements. Recently we supplied a 50-ton truck crane to a Chilean construction company. We understand that importing certain construction equipment like a truck crane could be a long and tiring process. It was therefore a huge relief for this Chilean construction company when we told them that Camamach, would handle the entire importing process. They were impressed by our company values and industry experience.

    Chilean Const
    Image of the STC Sany 50-ton truck crane. A construction company from Chile recently ordered this specific model from us. This and a variety of other models are available at Camamach.

    Determining What Kind of Heavy Construction Equipment Our Client Needs

    • Our client was a construction company from Chile. They needed a high-performance and four-sector boom system to increase safety and improve the quality of work in construction sites.
    • The client contacted Camamach for assistance with their order of a 50-ton crane.
    • Camamach offers a wide range of distinct equipment for sale, so the first step was to conduct adept research to determine what product was the most suitable brand for our client.
    • We made sure to find the best deals on the make and model and deciding on what was the best unit to offer to our client that would guarantee value for money and quality of machinery.


    Finding the Right Motor Grader

    • The team at Camamach began the search for a crane, that was the most suitable for our client and their requirements.
    • We found a 50-ton truck crane that was brand new, high performance, and had a four-sector boom system making it a very suitable option for our client.
    • The 50-ton truck crane was especially suitable because of its high performance and working capabilities.


    16-ton XCMG Truck Crane – For Sale at Camamach
    The QYI6C XCMG 16- Ton truck crane is an excellent choice of a crane. This specific model is in the smaller category of cranes. It is most suitable for smaller construction sites.
    The STC300S XCMG 30-ton truck crane is a mid-sized crane with a lift capacity of 30 tons. It is suitable for medium-scale operations. It is popular for its powerful performance and durability. 
    The QY130K XCMG 130-ton truck crane is a high-end crane. It is very powerful and has an outstanding lifting capacity of 130 tons. It is suitable for large-scale construction sites.

    Identifying Suitable Chinese Construction Machinery Manufacturers

    • After receiving the client’s order, the first step we took was to search for suitable and reputable Chinese truck crane manufacturers.
    • During the process, we managed to come up with a list of four Chinese road construction equipment manufacturers.
    • From our list of reputable suppliers, we decided on XCMG because it not only fit the client's requirements perfectly but also performed well based on the quality-price ratio of the truck crane.


    Achieved Cost Savings to provide a Reliable and affordable road grader from XCMG

    • We then forwarded the details of our findings to our client. This was to let them know that we had decided on a 50-ton truck crane from XCMG.
    • After the client approved the order, we went ahead and completed the order process for the XCMG truck crane.
    • This enabled us to fulfill the client’s order within the given timeframe while also managing to achieve a 16% of cost-saving to the client.


    What Does This Mean for YOUR Personal/Commercial Construction Projects?

    Finding the right product for your company is not an easy task especially in today’s market. There is a variety of products to choose from. Factors like quality, cost, and performance do not make it any easier. Fortunately for this Chilean construction company, Camamach is experienced in this industry and is determined to help you get through the process. The process is very simple. All you need to do is:

    1. Send us your requirements/specifications.
    2. Include the quantity of the order.
    3. Include port of destination.
    4. That’s it!


    Wondering Where to Find Quality Truck Cranes for Sale?

    Contact Camamach if you are looking for a truck crane or if you need a reliable partner who will provide you with affordable and quality equipment. Let us know your company's specific needs just like the Chilean construction company did. They needed a powerful and four-sector boom system truck crane. Remember, at Camamach we strive to fulfill your request and complete the entire importation process for you efficiently while saving costs!

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

    ✅ Are you a company of 11 - 50 people?

    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right after sales and spare parts?

    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation

  • SANY vs Zoomlion - 5 Key Differences You Need to Know!

    SANY vs Zoomlion - 5 Key Differences You Need to Know!


    When it comes to large equipment in the giant universe of heavy machines, it is key. It is somewhat similar to choosing the right instrument for specific task. Now, it is just as though I were lost amidst one huge maze trying to decide among so many different machines once.

    Talking of heavy machine. They are powerful, hard working types whose job is basically to build roads and other big buildings. They are similar to big trucks, diggers with a hard task.

    So, come to know about SANY and Zoomlion, the best heroes in construction equipment. Both of them have something to give out. However, picking the best among them is also not an easy task as it could be similar to entering a supermarket full of machines and utensils. It can get confusing!

    It’s crucial to make the right choice when it comes to buying. It’s like discovering a back door into an efficient and improved way of working. I must have been grinning as wide as a Chessie cat; it felt as if somebody's aid in my workplace!

    Do not worry, in this case I’m your man. Let’s discuss why they are different, what clients say about them, and main aspects of consideration while deciding upon. In the end, you will think you have mastered the art of decision making in order for you to have the confidence. Let's start!

    Company Profiles

    Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale Sany logo – Sany Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale

    Overview of SANY

    Let's talk about SANY—they're a big deal in machines! Back in 1989, they started small in China, and now they're huge worldwide. Their machines are tough and can do lots of things, like digging deep with excavators and lifting heavy stuff with cranes.

    SANY’s story began in a city called Changsha in China. From there, they've gone everywhere, making machines that last and thinking up new ideas.

    Official brand logo of Zoomlion Zoomlion logo – Zoomlion Heavy Industry Heavy Equipment for sale

    Overview of Zoomlion 

    Now, it's Zoomlion turn! They popped up in 1992 and became pretty famous. They're like the super adaptable heroes of machines. They do all sorts of things—cranes, pumps for concrete, and even eco-friendly gear.

    Zoomlion started in the same city as SANY, Changsha. They've spread their wings globally, being known for changing with the times and using the newest technology.

    Comparison of Market Presence and Global Reach

    Where do these big companies do business? SANY is big in Asia, also showing up in North America and Europe. Zoomlion all over too, but they seem to shine more in the Middle East and Africa.

    You know, when I first got into this, seeing SANY become such a big name felt like watching a local hero turn into a worldwide star. And Zoomlion? They always surprise us with their cool ideas. It's amazing to see how they've made a mark on the world stage!

    It's not just where they are now; it's where they're going. These companies keep impressing us with their new ideas and fancy tech. Stay tuned for their next big moves!

    Product Comparison

    Machinery and Equipment Offerings

    • Construction Machinery Comparison

    Let's compare their big machines! In addition, SANY and Zoomlion has cool things like diggers (excavators) and big lifters (cranes). The diggers and lifters of SANY are powerful and effective. Machines of Zoomlion perform the same operations as well, but in a better way, for example; lifting heavier things and digging deeper holes.

    Sany excavator working on a project

    • Key Features and Technological Innovations

    What makes their machines special? SANY’s machines are hardy and durable. As they are strong and reliable, they can ease work. Zoomlion is intelligent as these ideas and cool technologies are applied in its machines, so much they can work well.

    Zoomlion Crane

    1: Performance and Reliability

    • Durability and Maintenance Considerations

    Are they durable, and how easy are their maintenance services? Machines from SANY are just like that tough kid that rarely ever gets sick—durable and need very little maintenance. Machines supplied by Zoomlion are also quite good but at times, they demand for extra care.

    • Efficiency and Productivity Metrics

    Which machines do a better job in a lesser time? SANY’s machines work, do things, and they don’t waste time. Zoomlion machines are also quite fast, but in some cases, they would require little assistance to complete quicker.

    2: Customization and Adaptability

    • Ability to meet varying industry needs

    Do these machines perform other duties? The SANY’s machines are highly versatile in that they can do several things. Zoomlion machines also have a number of functions which may only need slight modifications.

    • Adaptability to Various Operational Environments

    Where can these machines work? The machines supplied by SANY can be used in cities as well as in rough areas. The machines owned by Zoomlion are also okay, but they can do better in some places.

    SANY machines are as rugged as a super hero and dependable. They are smart Zoomlion and their sophisticated technology. It’s just as easy making a choice, as it would be selecting the strongest superhero with suitable skills for your needs.

    3: Cost and Value Analysis

    Initial Investment

    • Price Comparison between SANY and Zoomlion Models

    Let's talk numbers! Different price tags may be attributed to equivalent models of SANY and Zoomlion machines. In most cases, Sany’s equipment may not be as affordable as that of Zoomlion, however, it depends on the special characteristics involved.

    • Finance and Purchase Options Considered

    How do you go about purchasing these large machines? Likewise, the two companies i.e. SANY, and zoomlion might offer different schemes of payment. Alternatively, you can decide to pay all the cash at once or through installment payments like when you purchase toys.

    Long-term Costs

    • Maintenance and Repair Expenses

    Are these machines expensive to maintain? Moreover, these machines by SANY have a long life and require less repair expenses at some point, thus making an investor spend little on maintenance. The machines at zoomlion can also be good for the job, but they might require some extra care that will result in additional expenditure on maintenance.

    Sany v zoomlion - Road construction equipment

    • Resale Value and Depreciation Analysis

    Do these machines have a future? Like a toy that maintains its value despite long hours of play, SANY’s machines also retain their worth even upon repeated use. However, Zoomlion’s machinery is likely to lose some of its value relatively over years compared to SANY’s.

    The choice of these machines however, is not limited to pricing tags at outset. Likewise, choosing the right toy means thinking about both today's price and future worth or cost of the toy.

    4: After-Sales Support and Service

    Customer Service Comparison

    • Warranty Terms and Support Offerings

    Now, let’s take a look at the kind of post-purchase care that you will enjoy with these machines. Zoomlion could offer better warranty terms compared to any other brand, that include SANY. However, SANY may offer longer warranties concerning some aspects. In most cases, they both try to fix things when things go wrong; however, in certain instances, SANY has an extra cushion of protection.

    Zoomlion Crane

    • Availability of Technical Assistance and Parts Supply

    Is it easy for you to find someone to fix your machine when it fails? Zoomlion also provides technical support; however, SANY could on some occasions do it quicker. As if spare parts would be readily available for your favorite toy when it breaks, SANY usually provides parts for you when they are needed.

    Training and Support Programs

    • Operator Training and Skill Development Initiatives

    Have these machines helped you to learn how to operate on them? However, Sany has a training program that focuses on making operators excel in operating their machines. It's like going to a school that teaches you on how to be proficient in using your toys.

    • Access to Online Resources and Technical Documentation

    Can you find help online? You can also visit SANY and Zoomlion websites or use documents for understanding and fixing something. SANY have more info for sale on the Internet unlike YTG and thus are much better in solving any queries concerning your machine.

    Buying these large machines is just like having a team of assistants making sure all goes right. However, on some occasions even SANY could do it faster as they can sometimes even have spare parts on hand.

    5: User Feedback and Reviews

    User Experiences and Testimonials

    That’s what those who have used these machines say! Real users talk about their actual stories and opinions of dealing with SANY as well as Zoomlion equipment. They talk about did they find it easy or hard to use the machine, did they feel safe at the time of use? Were they satisfied with what they got? Some people could even claim their great stories of doing bigger jobs with such machines.

    Feedback Analysis and Satisfaction

    What's the scoop from users? By looking at what most people say, we can understand how to separate good from bad or the need for improvement. People would say, “I liked how strong and robust were Sanys’ machines”. Zoomlion’s gear is very smart, however it could be even more quick. Thus by understanding such comments from users we understand what makes them jubilant and could eventually improve Sanys’ and Like, it’s as though listening to lots of people giving their views in order to make the toys even cooler!”

    Bonus Tip: Industry Trends and Future Prospects

    Evolving Equipment Technology

    • Advancements in Heavy Equipment

    Alright, let’s discuss the latest and greatest in heavy equipment! The two companies, Sany as well as Zoomlion are visioners. They are trying to create intelligent, effective, fast and straightforward machines. Trends have emerged, such as the use of high tech sensors or machines working on lesser fuel.

    Forecasts for SANY and Zoomlion

    • Predictions and Industry Outlook

    What's ahead for these companies? So, SANY and Zoomlion look ready for development. As a result, SANNY may further venture in other fields of business whereas Zoomlion will continue to upgrade their technology. The two will continue to awe us with creative gadgets.

    They are like superheroes preparing for the next battle. Smart and better machines have become synonymous with tech giants like SANY and zoomlion. It promises an exciting future for both!

    Decision-Making Tips

    Define Specific Needs and Requirements

    Thus, always know precisely what you want first of all. Consider the type of work that one will do with these machines. Are you looking for heavyweights for lifting, or earth diggers for very deep holes? Be clear about what you need before choosing Sany or Zoomlion.

    Sany Front End Loader

    Conduct Thorough Research and Comparison

    Do your homework! Investigate SANY and Zoomlion machines. Evaluate their performance by looking at their descriptions, how well a product works, and user opinions. List down the pros and cons with regards to each. So to speak, write down the nice side of different toys to come up with the best one among them all.

    Consider Long-Term Value and Total Cost of Ownership

    Think about the future! The cost does not only involve the price tag in buying such big machines. Consider what it could cost you in the long run such as maintenance, repair, and also if their value will remain relevant. It is similar to selecting a toy that is appealing, and would amuse one for a considerable duration.

    Evaluate After-Sales Support and Service

    Check out their customer service! In addition, after purchasing these machines, one may sometimes require assistance with repairs and/or getting an insight into their functioning. For example, see a company that offers better service, including quality warranties, speedy repairs and ease in obtaining spare parts. It is about picking a product from an outlet with repair services should such a need arise.

    Seek Input from Industry Peers and Experts

    Ask around! Interact with people that have used these equipment or consult professionals in the profession. This can help them get guidance based on their experiences and advice. It is just as if you consult friends on what the best toy is prior to purchasing one.

    While choosing between Sany and Zoomlion, it is not only a matter of being popular or cheap but finding a suitable machine. These are some useful hints that will allow you to choose wisely and work effectively in future.

    Zoomlion Equipment


    Making a choice between titans like SANY and Zoomlion in the field of bulky machines is not easy. The two corporations have good track records, resources at their disposal, and the ability to shift earths in practice. When making a decision on which of these platforms to go for, keep in mind these short and long term effects too.

    This is because at Camamach, we realize the importance of picking the best heavy machinery with which to push ahead with your projects. While in your journey through Sany and Zoomlion, our aim is just to direct you towards a special gear that perfectly corresponds with your desire.

    Are you prepared to elevate your operations into the next level? Reach out to Camamach today! Our professionals are always ready to make it easy for you when selecting appropriate heavy machinery from the labyrinth offered in the industry.

    Trust Camamach as you source high quality heavy machines. Call today, get started on a journey towards effortless high-yielding performance.

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    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation


  • SANY Vs Zoomlion | Which Manufacturer Has Better Equipment? 5 Tips to Find Out

    SANY and Zoomlion both make heavy construction equipment – but they have differences in some of their products, making each manufacturer more specialized in certain products. Choosing the right construction equipment is important for any project, which is why we will illustrate and compare the difference between SANY versus Zoomlion and which makes the better construction equipment.

    SANY | Heavy Equipment Manufacturer

    SANY is a construction machinery and equipment manufacturer based in China. They have experience in producing heavy duty construction machineries, cranes, trailer concrete pumps, excavators, hydraulic components, road building vehicles, port machineries, and wind turbines.

    SANY Construction manufacturing factory This is SANY’s Construction manufacturing factory, based in Changsha, China

    Zoomlion | Heavy Equipment Manufacturer

    Zoomlion is a heavy industry machine designer and also an engineering and agricultural machine manufacturer based in China. They have experience in producing mobile cranes, tower cranes, truck mounted pumps, forklifts, excavators, and tractors.

    Zoomlion Construction Machinery Manufacturing Factory This is Zoomlion's construction machinery manufacturing factory, based in China.

    Product Comparison

    Both SANY and Zoomlion are reputable for manufacturing heavy duty machines. However, SANY is a brand who has been in the industry for a long time. Zoomlion on the other hand is considered a new brand but that does not necessarily mean an inferior quality. SANY manufactures construction machinery such as cranes, concrete machineries, excavators, truck mounted pumps. Zoomlion on the other hand manufactures equipment such as cranes, truck mounted pumps, excavators, forklifts, and tractors.

    Specialty Comparison

    The two companies- SANY and Zoomlion- are Chinese brands notable for heavy equipment manufacturing. Meanwhile, there is a slight difference in the industry focus. Both companies produce construction machinery. However, SANY is known to also produce machinery used in the mining and petroleum industry. Zoomlion on the other hand alongside construction machinery produces agricultural machinery such as tractors.

    Price Comparison

    Another noticeable difference between SANY and Zoomlion is the prices of the products. SANY, as a result of its reliability, is known for premium products with high prices. Zoomlion on the other hand has a product with lesser price compared to that of SANY. However, the difference in prices may not necessarily dictate the superior and the inferior product.

    SANY Vs Zoomlion | Who Makes Better Equipment

    Although both SANY and Zoomlion are both reputable, high quality brands, they have differing specialties that makes both brands ideal in different specific construction operation scenarios.

    Why SANY makes better equipment

    • SANY is reputed to be the third largest equipment manufacturer in the world. The company makes equipment that has been proved as high quality over time.
    • SANY makes construction machineries with high effectiveness at construction sites.
    • SANY excavators and other mining machineries are reliable for work in a mining site.
    • SANY makes top-notch all terrain cranes and crawler cranes for engineering and construction work.

    Why Zoomlion makes the best equipment

    • Zoomlion is one of the latest heavy equipment manufacturing companies with top-notch products and is known to be China's 6th largest of such companies.
    • Zoomlion is reputed to have created the largest hoisting capacity all terrain crane in the world with 2000-ton capacity.
    • It also has the record of creating the first 3200-ton crawler crane in China.
    • Zoomlion makes the best tower crane good for engineering and construction works. It also makes equipment and machineries used in agriculture.

    Where Can I Buy SANY or Zoomlion Equipment For Sale?

    These brands can both be bought on Camamach’s website! Whether you are interested in SANY, Zoomlion, or other manufacturer’s equipment, then feel free to ask an expert at Camamach! We have years of experience in the heavy construction machinery industry and are happy to help others find the best construction equipment based on their specific needs. Contact us and we can make professional recommendations based on your individual site plans and requirements. Feel free to read our blogs for more information about these brands and manufacturers!

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

    ✅ Are you a company of 11 - 50 people?

    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right after sales and spare parts?

    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation

  • Truck Mounted Crane Vs Mobile Crane Truck - 5 Key Points to Choose the Right Fit!

    Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck both have similar general functions – they are both lifting machinery, but they have differences in appearance and usage, making each machine unique towards its own specific job. Choosing the right construction equipment is important for any project, which is why we will illustrate and compare the difference between a Truck Mounted Crane versus a Mobile Crane Truck.

    Truck Mounted Crane

    Truck Mounted Crane, also known as industrial crane, is a heavy construction machine built for the purpose of lifting, lowering, and adjusting heavy material in ports, industrial sites, and road constructions. They are mounted on trucks which makes it easy for transportation and suitable for commercial purposes. Truck Mounted Crane comes in different capacities such as 3.2-tons, 8-tons, 12-tons, and 16-tons capacity.

    XCMG 8-tons SQ8SK3Q- Truck Mounted Crane for sale This is a SQ8SK3Q from XCMG, one of the many Truck Mounted Cranes for sale from Camamach.

    Mobile Crane Truck

    Mobile Crane Truck, also known as Truck Crane or a Boom Truck, is a heavy construction machine built for the purpose of lifting, lowering, and adjusting heavy material in a construction or an industrial area. They are mounted on trucks or any other type of carrier and are controlled via cables. Mobile Crane Truck comes in different types such as 12-tons 32m, 20-tons, and 130-tons 39.5m.

    XCMG 100-tons QY100- Mobile Crane Truck for sale. This is a QY-100 from XCMG, one of the many Mobile Crane Trucks for sale from Camamach.


    Mobility is one of the featured characteristics of Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck. Both machineries can be transported easily due to their design. While Truck Mounted Crane are always mounted on trucks as the name implies, Mobile Crane Trucks uses any type of carrier including trucks.


    The design of the trucks is one major difference between Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck. They both feature different designs that aid their mode of operation.


    Truck Mounted Cranes are designed to operate dependent on the truck. The truck sometimes features the control panel of the crane as such the crane may not function without the truck being in operation. They can be rotated up to 180 degrees and even 360 degrees depending on the design.


    Mobile Crane Truck on the other hand features a boom system which can be used for the controlling of the crane. The boom features a suspended hook using shelves and wire ropes. The crane also can be converted depending on the function it is required to perform. You can add a demolition ball to use for demolition and a clamshell to act as an earthmover.


    The crane capacity is another major difference between Truck Mounted Crane and Mounted Crane Truck. The Truck Mounted Crane has a capacity within 3.2 tons to 16 tons while a Mobile Crane Truck can have a capacity as high as 130-tons. These differences also determine where they can be used and what they can be used for.

    Truck Mounted Crane Specialties

    Truck Mounted Crane has the following specialty and functions;


    • It is easy to transport from one place to another, especially on the main road due to the truck carrier.
    • Suitable for lifting and lowering less heavy material in ports, construction sites, and industrial areas.
    • It is affordable and easy to maintain.
    • Best used for commercial purposes as a result of its easy mobility.

    Mobile Crane Truck Specialties

    Mobile Crane Truck has the following Specialty and functions;


    • High mobility as it uses different types of carriers.
    • Suitable for lifting heavy material as it has higher capacity compared to ordinary Truck Mounted Crane.
    • It is used mostly for lifting heavy-duty materials that cannot be handled by low capacity trucks.
    • They are easy to use and do not require much assembling to set up.

    Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck- Which Lifting Machinery is better for you?

    It is important to consider your project’s scope and details when choosing the right construction equipment. Both Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck provide the function of lifting heavy objects, but one can be more practical than the other depending on the details of your project. 

    Truck Mounted Crane would be most ideal for lifting less heavy objects due to its capacity. Whereas Mobile Crane Truck would be most ideal for lifting more heavy objects due to its capacity to lift up to 130-tons.  

    Wondering where to find Truck Mounted Crane and Mobile Crane Truck for sale?

    Whether you are interested in a Truck Mounted Crane,  Mobile Crane Truck, or are still unsure of which machine is more suitable for you, then feel free to ask an expert at Camamach! We have years of experience in the heavy construction machinery industry and are happy to help others find the best construction equipment based on their specific needs. Contact us and we can make professional recommendations based on your individual site plans and requirements.

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

    ✅ Are you a company of 11 - 50 people?

    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right after sales and spare parts?

    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation

  • What Are the Top Zoomlion Equipment for Construction in 2023?

    Official brand logo of Zoomlion

    [Official brand logo of Zoomlion]

    Zoomlion is the 6th largest heavy construction and agricultural machinery manufacturer on the globe. With nearly $10 billion in revenue, Zoomlion manufactures over 800 products for both industries.

    Its construction equipment is ranked next to the top Chinese and international equipment manufacturing brands. Its demand is so popular that back in the 2020 Bauma China Trade Fair, it recorded $1.4 billion in equipment sales in a single day.

    Being a long-term supplier of Zoomlion equipment, in this article experts at Camamach have listed the best and most demanded products from the brand for the construction industry.

    Best Zoomlion Construction Equipment

    Here are the products Zoomlion is known for in the construction industry:

    • Tower Cranes
    • Truck Cranes
    • Crawler Cranes
    • Excavators

    Zoomlion Tower Cranes

    Out of the many product categories, Zoomlion is generally recognized as the best tower crane manufacturer in the world, having over 60 years of research and development experience. Recently, the brand even introduced the world’s largest 450-ton tower crane.

    Though crane size is related to the magnitude of the construction project, here are two of the bestselling tower cranes at Camamach:

    5 Ton 35-175 Tower Crane

    Zoomlion 5-ton Mini tower crane model in front of city buildings

    In terms of lifting height, the 5-ton tower crane from Zoomlion can lift up to 35 meters as a freestanding machine and up to 175 meters as an anchored one.

    As for the working radius, this model offers as low as 2.5 meters and as high as 50 meters.

    The entire structure is controlled by a powerful PLC electrical control system and is almost 4 times more durable than the common tower cranes found in the market.

    240 Ton 90-208m Tower Crane 

    The 240-ton tower crane from Zoomlion is available for sale at Camamach

    The 240-ton tower crane by Zoomlion is a heavy-duty beast and the first choice of builders for large-scale projects.

    The model has a max of 90.2 meters lifting capacity as a freestanding stationary crane and 208.1 meters while anchored. Whereas the working radius lies between 9 and 50 meters.

    Apart from the superior design supporting a three-dimensional design, the tower crane has a powerful energy-saving engine asking for only 18.5kW and 18.4x4kW input for trolleying and sewing respectively.

    The outstanding energy efficiency of this model doesn’t make it relatively inexpensive but is suitable for small-scale construction projects as well.

    Zoomlion Truck Cranes

    Truck Cranes are basic construction industry machines used for transporting, loading, and unloading heavy material. Just like tower cranes, Zoomlion falls among the most sought-after manufacturers of Truck Cranes.

    Here’s the best-selling Truck Crane from the brand at Camamach:

    60 Ton Truck Crane – RT60

    A 60-Ton Zoomlion Truck Crane, Model RT60, listed for sale by Camamach

    [Alt Text: A 60-Ton Zoomlion Truck Crane, Model RT60, listed for sale by Camamach]

    The RT60 Truck Crane from Zoomlion is the standard crane that works well for most projects. The machine sports a TIER-III-compliant Cummins QSB 6.7 diesel engine for heavy-duty performance.

    The 43-meter boom has a maximum lifting capacity of 60000 KG with a 3-meter radius and a maximum jib lifting height of 61.2 meters.

    Overall, the truck crane is a demanded product for its maneuverable and robust drive, excellent off-road capability, and engine reliability under different working conditions. It also has a nice modern single cab design for working in different weathers.


    What is the best Zoomlion product for your construction project?

    The scope and budget are the two key factors considered when buying a heavy construction machine. Where you don’t want to overspend on a product, you cannot afford to underspend either. You also need to consider the long-term reliability and maintenance charges of the product.

    The above-mentioned products by the experts at Camamach have the benefit of being all-around machines in most cases.

    Where to buy Zoomlion Construction Equipment?

    Camamach is a well-established global supplier of construction equipment from China. We have been in business with all major brands like Zoomlion for years. Our direct relationship with such brands allows us to have the best rates in the market.

    We export worldwide, so you can contact us for a FREE quotation today via email at [email protected] or send a message on WhatsApp for a fast response at +86-131-2037-9271. Feel free to check out our blogs to learn more about Zoomlion construction equipment!

    How can we help you with your equipment/parts requirements?

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    ✅ Do you spend too much time finding the right equipment manufacturers?

    ✅ Unsure if you will get the right equipment?

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    If your answer is YES, Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation

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